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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Nice day

Yeah, surprisingly, eh? After yesterday was such a complete, painful waste, today was enthusiastically pleasant. To begin with, morning was torrid and without life, and I limped into work a little later than usual (but not the foobar that was yesterday). Had a McBreakfast on the way in, and promised myself yet again that I would resort to such horrible means to obtain nutrition in the mornings. Had a late, lazy lunch consequently, which was very nice and oily. (Dinner, if you're curious, was Subway, one of them low-fat subs, delivered to the office by the Boss himself, which was very nice).

While most of today was spent thinking things and putting bits into place, evening and night got very exciting as the final bits of Document.pm and Page.pm came together. Somewhere around six, enough of the code was done that simple upload could be tested. And it was! Much bugfixing later, it worked to a surprisingly large degree, everything sliding perfectly into place and working like a dream! I was so pleased. And then the fun really began.

Let's see: walked to the MRT station, singing loudly as I am wont to do (managed to make it all the way, onto the station, and I think most of the way home singing only Beatles songs. Yum!). The train was crowed, but atleast the airconditioning was working (unlike the morning's train), and it was a smooth ride home. Ice cream. Home. At home, I turned on NGE (so far tonight, I've seen episodes 17:Fourth Children, 18:Ambivalence, 19:Introjection and a part - but hopefully not all! - of 20:Weaving A Story 2: Oral Stage). Somewhere in between I went onto World of Warcraft, where there were huge groups of people, and I had a good time spelunking for quest articles with another elf. My best WoW experience so far!

The bad news - lab stuff. Ugh, ugh, ugh. I don't want to think about it, I want to sleep, to forget, to move on. I hate having multiple things happening all around me for no reason. Ugh, ugh, ugh, no more, no more. Good heavens.

Right now, I figure, I figure I'll do it tomorrow, but I won't. Let's see.

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