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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A good if tiring day.

Managed to hit high scores on all three heavy duty activities:

  1. Managed to get Family in to see Office and Officemates. Said goodbye all nice and all.
  2. Spent hours just fretting over houses to see. Was disappointed when only ended up with one "interesting" and one "maybe", except the "maybe" turned out to be "really interesting" so now - with no further effort - we're juggling three viewings tomorrow, one of which I've said "yes" to, one "maybe" and one unknown. And that's not counting any EMs which show up at three 'o' clock tomorrow unless the deal has already been signed. So yay!
  3. Despite the hours spent etc. and leaving the house early to go househunting, I made some very nice progress on coding and work in general. Tomorrow, by hook, crook and lunchtime, PT3 will be completely functional. Hooray!

The house hunt ended up quite surreal, with me ending up forty minutes early (as it was rescheduled thirty minutes later than expected five minutes after I found an available cab on Science Park Dr, a feat on par with one of the minor miracles), resulting in me wandering around our somewhat dingy prospective neighborhood. I knew this would be a nice place when, apropos of nothing, my old friend the SBS Transit Bus #33 showed up out of nowhere. My phone was dying, so I kept turning it on every fifteen minutes and pleading with my agent to give me an address, which she boldly - and baldly - refused to do. She turned up ten minutes late, and then drove me the three houses away to where the place was, whence we waited twenty further minutes until the landlord's agent showed up. Then, it turned out that none of the lights were working, although all the airconditioners were; bizarre, yes, but there you go. I viewed the house by candlelight (or, to be precise: the light of four handphones). Tomorrow, Ifty's going to go check it out, and then we'll know.

Either way, the hours until Ifty reports back are going to be somewhat low-key, and - man oh man - if we go for it, all that massive tension will evaporate and be replaced by the tension of work. Ah, the relief of having only one crazy obsessive thing to worry about!

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