This can usually be found on Twitter.
That, since it might be hard to tell, was a sigh of sheer joy and satisfaction.
My program is coming along beautifully, including a pretty "Loading file" dialog, some pretty spiffy import/export (officially, it only supports MEGA .. but if the Mega importer doesn't work, it'll try FASTA just for kicks), and a nice interface in general. Hopefully, tomorrow, I'll get Pairwise DONE (general statistics, exporting of the statistics, etc.) and get started on Cluster.
Is that it? I think that's it. Then, with the brilliance one normally associates with people who have better lives than mine, I'm done!
So this is what it means that it's "all good"!
This post was posted by Unknown at 3:01 am | 0 comments | Post a Comment
Six hours, that is. Then, I face my stats exam - the one exam which worries me the most, ironically because it's the one I've been paying the most attention to this sem, the one I find most interesting, the one with the best lecturer, and the one which makes the most consistant sense (although I guess in that regard atleast, Evolution is a close second).
I'm so fired up now. Not so much about the play - actually, I'm getting quite nervous as to whether it'll even work - but just about writing, about making up and telling stories. About coming up with something which is, in its own small, humble way, a work of art, like a pot on a potter's wheel, all twisted and convoluted but (hopefully) still recognizable as a pot.
God. So. Amazingly. Unmotivated. To. Work. Aiyee.
On the upside, tomorrow might turn out to be a cool day in the lab.
p.s. Hey, Yvette: is this true?
This post was posted by Unknown at 3:00 am | 1 comments | Post a Comment
ANZAC day today. Unless you've lived an ANZAC day in Australia (or NZ, I hear), you don't know how important a day it really is. Still, it's one hell of a story, so if you have the time, do give it a good read.
Coolest bit: "There were around 180,000 Allied casualties and 220,000 Turkish casualties". As a book I once read put it, even in casualties, it was a stalemate.
This post was posted by Unknown at 1:22 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment
This post was posted by Unknown at 12:59 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment
Richard Bach is nuts. And clueless. And an idiot. But he might've stumbled on something.
Tomorrow is microbiology. I am nervous like hell. Help!
This post was posted by Unknown at 11:55 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment
Will you be dancing on International Dance Day?
This post was posted by Unknown at 2:02 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment
I didn't get vacation stay. Odd, they're generally very easy about giving this to you. Must be pretty full up.
I have oodles of time to get this figured out, as long as I can make sure I've got a majority of the ISM done before my last exam, while temp-house-scouting at the same time.
These holidays just got about 10x more fun and 100x more frantic. :D. Rock on.
This post was posted by Unknown at 1:47 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment
Yes, it all makes sense now ...
This post was posted by Unknown at 4:58 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment
Urgh. Waste of a day. On the bright side, resting my arm seems to have worked, and it feels better now.
Will try and sleep. Or something. Hopefully, will make up for it by working harder tomorrow.
I guess tomorrow (Thursday) is when the final, last-push-to-finish begins. Then, there's no stopping until we drag over that thar final line :). As of today, I am getting worried about how "things" will be after exams. I suppose this whole "one hundred days of solitude" will continue, except I will sort of run out of excuses. Well, no, I suspect this holiday I will have excuses 24x7 (lab-lab-lab-lab). It's just that I'll be around more, and you know what that means. If you don't understand this last paragraph, never mind: I just needed to get it out. If you do understand, I'm impressed.
This is funny. There is a story behind this picture. Somewhere.
This post was posted by Unknown at 1:30 am | 0 comments | Post a Comment
Seriously. It just hit me sometime today (or yesterday - time gets very, very fluid when you're supposed to be "studying, but little else") that the play I'm trying to write, I'm writing because it's one of my great fears (has always been, before you jump to any conclusions regarding my present circumstances and situation).
And, in a crazy, right-of-normalcy sort of way, it makes sense. What better way of facing up to your fears than to make a story out of it, then act it out on a huge stage in front of family, friends and the ones you love? How better than to create caricatures of yourself, make them pitter-patter around for a while, and then - kaboom! - spring your surprise on them right there in Act III? If they make it to Act V, you're okay, you'll live, and if they can't - well, you know if your Worst Fear Ever springs up on you, atleast you'll go off with a great story.
Yes, I'm suffering from writer's block. What's worse, I'm suffering from mild RSI in my right arm :(. I came back from dinner and fell asleep, and when I woke up, I made up a dirty poem. About dogs. That's weird, even by my standards.
(If you want to read something else which is weird, you should check out Overcompensating, a comic strip/blog by Jeffrey Rowland of Wigu fame)
Also, would love comments on this, if you have the time. Seems strangely relevant to the story ... oh hey, actually, just read the whole thread - interesting snapshot of people, places, happiness, sadness, and life. Sigh. The stuff of stories. The stuff I am (atleast technically) forbidden.
On the good side, one week from tomorrow (Thursday), ALL BUT ONE of my exams will be done! Weary grins all around. Back to work? Or sleep?
Well, something more productive than this, anyhow.
This post was posted by Unknown at 2:07 am | 0 comments | Post a Comment
Timing is waiting two weeks for them to spray the GD anti-mosquito fog already, then giving up and buying anti-mozzie machine. And they're on Tuesday.
Oh, in case you're interested, I did stay up for Desperate Housewives (fun), Frasier (funny in parts ... really hilarious in parts, but so very uneven!) and Arrested Development (politically incorrect like hell, but as always, brilliant!). Then I studied.
Oh: did quite well in Animal Behavior and Stat CAs, and MicroB CA isn't unredeemable (I hope) so the next few weeks ought to be good. I'm in this very good state of mind where I can sort of see the next week just running off in an insane cycle of sleeping, eating and studying (not necessarily in that order), followed by a week of hair-pulling stress-and-stuff, and then - who knows? Working, SPS-ing (SysAd training), buying-and-selling and mucking around in general, probably. Sounds gear!
Okay, okay, back to work, back to work ...
This post was posted by Unknown at 2:20 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment
Of course, it being exactly one week to my first exam, one assumes that Yvette's Law ("when one must study, one blogs") should be coming into effect - strong - and lo, ho, here we go!
Sorry if I'm talking funny, it's just that I really don't have anything to say, not right now. Life, while not particularly high in the satisfying-work category, ain't bad, and of course life goes on. And I have my friends, and I (generally) end up with something to do on the weekends, and ... what else? Oh, I'm writing again, this nutsy little story about a girl who goes away. Was hoping that'd be fun and relaxing, but if I write it as prose, the only way to do it is to write it from the guy's perspective, and that's boring - not to mention quite wrought, emotionally speaking. Still, I'll work on it after the exams, or whenever.
I could also try and write a play (theatre) version of it: the voyeuristic kick you get from playing around with other people like some kind of crazed puppetmaster - dip, dip, dop - tends to make up for the sadness. Really, the story is sort of intensely depressing, must lighten it up; hmmm ...
Another problem is, my hands hurt if I've been typing on a computer for too long. It'll be okay, I know, but it's still bugging - particularly since my favourite mode of studying involves my computer. A lot.
Ouch, there goes my hand again. Might try and sleep early (yes, before Desperate Housewives ... booh hooh. No, I'm only really sad about missing Arrested Development, much later tonight. Missing that is something I'd really cry about ...)
Well, let's see. If I make it thru D.H., I might try and stay on until A.D. If not, never mind. Feeling slightly nauseous (going on for a while, I'm afraid). And I work better in the mornings.
Is this post too rambly and confusing? Never mind. I'll have something new up here in twenty-four hours, you see if I don't.
This post was posted by Unknown at 9:05 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment
:D fun fun fun.
This post was posted by Unknown at 7:15 am | 0 comments | Post a Comment
Moving on
Is a spooky way to live
But in the absence of anything worse
It's the best thing of all
This post was posted by Unknown at 11:49 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment
Today seems to have been a particularly cool day in world/space history.
This post was posted by Unknown at 3:52 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment
This post was posted by Unknown at 12:46 am | 0 comments | Post a Comment
I am more open to change.
It might be the Pope.
John Paul II has been the Pope since before I was born. If he can change, anything could.
This post was posted by Unknown at 2:04 am | 0 comments | Post a Comment
I was supposed to do this big write-up about how Anne Shirley (of Green Gables) is, along with Sara Crewe are modern-day Pollyanna (ironic, considering that both those books were published before Polyanna). Sara is a Pollyanna-character who keeps getting knocked down, but managed to pull together - quite a nice and brave story, I've always thought - but Anne Shirley is in another world together.
For starters, you'd have to hit her - tricky, as she's all over the place. And ... and ... crap, never you mind; I don't have the strength tonight, and Mr. Joyce (Ulysses), Mr. King (Stephen? 'nuff said), and Mr. Carey (who wrote True History of the Kelly Gang) so as you can see my life is pretty full right now.
Eeks. I go, I go. Please, for yourself, read a bit of Chapter two of Anne of Green Gables to discover the Anne Shirley I am rapidly developing a crush on.
This post was posted by Unknown at 12:22 am | 2 comments | Post a Comment
Well (since you didn't ask), I'm doing moderately well. The last few weeks (or, if you're been following this blog carefully, the last few years) have been somewhat rough and tumble, but thing seem to be changing. No, really, this time around, it might be pulled off it might happen maybe. No, yes, it will happen. I still can't say that without a squirming in my belly, but I'm afraid the butterflies will just have to go somewhere else, latest by the holidays.
Life is beginning to change. My perceptions, how it looks to me, the view. Some things will take more time: there are still clouds, as those of you in Singapore will know, low-hanging gray clouds which threaten to rain any minute. But, oh well, they're always there, the clouds, aren't they? And they bring: the rain. The wind.
I'm trying not to be overoptimistic about it: this isn't the first time I've thought it was all behind me, but then it crept up again, and usually it was me that let it creep up. But I think this might be it. I have had enough, and the future is bright enough that as long as I don't do an Icarus - no flying too high, no diving too low, just straight level flight easy-as-she-goes ... - I should be alright.
The awesome thing ... the really awesome thing ... is this sudden feeling I've got, like wind beneath my wings (if I had wings, but that's an entirely different discussion altogther). I am free! I can fly! Quite frankly, after all this time, it's quite refreshing.
Will it all come crashing down to earth? God, I hope not. But let's see. Life's paths are stranger sometimes than we can see, but not always. Maybe sometimes you see the answer, and it is the answer, and it is the right time, and it is alright, and ... but you know what I mean. And sometimes, it's wrong, wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.
But: you will never never know if you never never go. And here I go now. Toodle-doo.
This post was posted by Unknown at 2:44 am | 0 comments | Post a Comment
In other news: nobody seems to be adding websites to CoolSite! Maybe it's the name ...
No, in all likelihood people just don't get my idea ... don't have much free time to debug/explain it today, so never mind that. Instead, I'll pop out something else: I'm setting up another blog (two in a week, is that a new record?) called the Free Book Club. The idea is, if you wanna read a book, add it to your My Yahoo! page, your Bloglines page, or just bookmark it, and every two days I'll put up another page from a great old novel. How come? I'll take novels out of Project Gutenberg, mostly anything that I'd like to read. Is pretty simple to maintain, the question is: will the readers come? Still wondering how to market it, but I guess for once the idea is complete - like a book club, in fast forward, and on the Internet. Makes sense? Makes sense.
Oh hell, he's a thought: I could put out a press release! Wow, spooky thought ... but entirely doable ...
Will run this for a week or two, let's see. Friends and visitors to this blog are invited to pop on over and tell me what they think.
This post was posted by Unknown at 2:34 am | 0 comments | Post a Comment
The idea is, next time you find an interesting website, go and add it to WebWatch so that the rest of us can enjoy it. The more people add a URL, the higher up on the list it'll go.
No, really. That's it. Cool, right?
This post was posted by Unknown at 2:48 pm | 0 comments | Post a Comment
Rule number one: there ARE no good websites.
This post was posted by Unknown at 2:31 pm | 2 comments | Post a Comment