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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

American Beauty

Yes, I saw it again. Yes, I still love it, although I got all emo at the Col. Fitts - Lester Burnam hug scene, not to mention going all oh-please-no-don't-sit-in-that-chair-Lester! at the final death scene. My habit of picking up characteristics of people around me is acting up again.

The following is for my personal record: since I learnt something on the Internet on Monday night, I went first into a hazy-minded state of ... mostly, dull, uncaring, ... well, not *un* caring per se, just trying to frame this mood of existing without anything much happening upstairs.

So I went home and was exhausted but couldn't sleep; that generally happens whenever I get emotionally ... sprained? Twisted? (I will never understand why issues of love cause so much more actual pain than death ... perhaps because in Death, atleast, you *know* there's nothing you can do? Your cat just died; you can sit and mourne or you can move on, there really aren't all that many options available; but when it's *love*, the options range from running far far away to going down on one knee and declaring Immortal Love, and everything in between; which is by far the scarier: what if you pick wrong? What doors are you closing with the words you say, the things you do? What possibilities die below the merciless hacks of the sword of truth? etc.

Today was kinda weird, and - I am almost proud to say - a cop-out. The fun bit is, the universe cooperated, and I did not want for company the entire afternoon/evening; I was supposed to go home and sleep, but instead I hung out in SPS as it was cooler, and it really did make me feel better. Besides, which I got to see both Kingdom of Heaven (so-so-ish) and American Beauty (yay! YAY! etc.), so my day ended up pretty good all things considered.

The next few days will hopefully be stress-minimal - as long as I can see myself into my new apartment, I should be okay. I think. I hope. Sigh. Life's like that, sometimes? You worry and wonder and hope and try and fail and try again. There should be an easier way.

On the upside, with Prof out of town, and my new room getting ever closer, possible reasons to delay getting my bike fixed vanish in the haze. And that *can't* possibly be a bad thing!

This post was posted by Unknown at 11:06 pm


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