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Saturday, May 27, 2006

If I were Invisible ...

I'm doing this 'cos one of the few bloggers I read religiously asked me to; if nothing else, I hope that knowing he has one other devoted reader will force him to stay in business :)

If I had an invisibility cloak, I'd spend all my time like the nameless (?) guy in Jaagte Raho!: flittering around at the edge of other people's lives, watching all the fights and love and anger and all the other crap which make up people's lives. Gah, it's all very boring, but what do I care: it'd be fun, atleast for a while, to look behind fascades and through hedgerows and watch the boring, repetitive, angsty, happy, sad, mixed-up, confused dance that is life.

Then I'd probably wander off, try to save the world, and end up dunked in the ocean (after having tripped over my own cloak).

It's my favourite thing about blogging, btw: the fact that I can peer into other people's lives, their travels, loves, triumphs; their stories, and their poetry. It's all a bit much, but I'm lovin' it.

This post was posted by Unknown at 8:16 pm


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